The Impact of STEAM

Measuring the impact of our work helps us see the value of the design and delivery of our creative technology workshops and courses as well as our holistic approach to education overall. We are a work in progress. We want to see where we bring value as well as where we can make changes in order to improve the experience of those participating in our workshops and courses.

We see 26% positive change in views of gender equality in STEM careers amongst young people after participating in our STEAM courses.


We asked students what they thought of STEAM School


Overall enjoyment

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Improved confidence

in creativity skills

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Improved confidence

in technology skills

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Improved confidence

in problem solving skills

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We asked teachers what they thought of STEAM School


Overall enjoyment

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Improved confidence

in creativity skills

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Improved confidence

in technology skills

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Improved confidence

in problem solving skills

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We asked teachers what they observed in their students

Q. Please rate overall, what, if any, changes did you see in your students as they participated in STEAM School

(1 = No change at all, 10 = A lot of change)


Change in

experimentation / creativity

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Change in

inclusivity / equality

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Change in

hands-on learning

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Change in meaningful

engagement with technology

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We asked teachers how STEAM School met its objectives

Q. Please rate overall, how you feel STEAM School met the following objectives:

(1 = Objective not met at all, 10 = Objective met a lot)


Provide pathways to

alternative career choices

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Address gaps in

education provision

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Encourage interdisciplinary work,

collaboration & creative exchange

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Role model innovation & problem solving in everyday life

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"The STEAM School programme is a fantastic resource for teachers and pupils. It provides meaningful opportunities for students to engage in creative and innovative tasks that are both stimulating and challenging. It’s cross-curricular in nature and provides ample opportunity for students to work collaboratively to develop their problem-solving skills. I would highly recommend this programme."

Teacher testimony
